sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

TASK 4: Creating the board game

Congratulations, wizards and witches of La Campiña School! You have successfully fulfilled task 1 (creating your house), task 2 (watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and answering questions about it) and  task 3(listening to some interviews to the cast of the film and to an audio about the Harry Potter phenomenon). You are ready to start working on the most important task and your main goal as a House: creating the first part of your Harry Potter game!! Are you excited about it? Then, go on reading for instructions.

All 7 Houses in our School (The Lighnting Hunters, The Lords of Might and Magic, Electric Golden, Wild Magic, Titans, The United Forces and Phoenix Squad) must create their own  version of the board game based on the films. This first term, you must only create the first 20 squares of the game, which will be based on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. However, although the seven games will be different, all of them must have some common elements:

  • 5 squares in which a question will be asked. You must create a set of 25-30 cards asking a question about the film, its events, its characters,its magical elements, etc.

  • 5 squares in which players will have to take a bad luck card (you can invent another name for them).You must create a set of 25-30 cards with unfortunate events for the players based on the film. For example, The door to the room where Fluffy is sleeping is locked. You haven't learned the spell to open locked doors yet. Miss one turn).

  • 5 squares in which players will have to take a good luck card (you can invent another name for them) which they can use when they need it. You must create a set of 25-30 cards with favourable events based on the film (for example, "Your friend Hermione uses the spell Alohomora, which opens locked doors".

  • 5 squares with a message on it telling players to move to another square forward or backward. Remember everything must be based on the film. For example,"The stairs are changing. They lead you to the boys' dormitories. Go to square 15".


Every board game comes with the instructions about how to play, so first of all,  you must write down the instructions of this first part of the game, indicating how many players can play, how many squares there are, how to play and how to win the game. Click below to learn the grammar you need:

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